We will have a selection of women owned businesses selling their wares during the festival. Be sure to check out their pages and bring a little spending money to show them some love!
Rainbow Dragon Dreamz https://www.rainbowdragondreamz.com/ https://www.facebook.com/rainbowdragondreamz/ Mama Vic of Rainbow Dragon Dreamz searches the world to find the tools you need for your crystal workings. She has over 40 years experience in working with stones, and is always looking for ways to get you connected to the tools and stones you need. Stop by her booth to say hello and shop a stone collection that would make a dragon jealous!
Tie Dye Mama http://www.tiedyemama.co/ https://www.facebook.com/TieDyeMama/ We are happy to welcome Cinda, aka Tie Dye Mama, with the best, handmade original wearable artwork with colors that won't fade in the wash. Visit her booth and bring a little color into your weekend! Simple and Natural https://www.facebook.com/simplenaturalpc/ https://www.simplenaturalapothecary.com/ Visit Kenna at Simple and Natural Apothecary for holistic products, essential oil synergies, herbal items, ready to use essential oil products, and natural personal care items.
Dragon Horde Meadowyn graces the community with her chaine maille creations! Be sure to stop by and see her critters and maybe take home a shiny new piece of jewelry, too!
Check back soon for our presenter's list and workshop descriptions!